Archives: Episode

Episode 55 – Braden Lubell and Livia

Today we join Braden Lubell to hear his memories of life as a young Austrian woman from the 1800s, who finds herself in an untenable position.  Join us now to hear this fascinating account regarding choices and consequence and how the events of one l…

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Episode 54 – Kellie and Jimmy

Today’s offering isn’t a reincarnation case, but it is an interesting account of communication between consciousnesses and I thought you might enjoy it while I prepare the next episode.  Join me as I talk to Kellie about the friend that she never met…

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Episode 53 – Ben and Ray Part 2

Today we rejoin Ben to hear more about the events that happened in Ray’s life and the flow on effect they caused in Terry’s life.  That flow on effect then hugely affected Ben’s life too and it has been Ben who has been tasked with untangling the web…

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Episode 52 – Ben and Ray Part One

Today we welcome Ben B back to the program to talk about memories from a life that started to emerge during his struggles to come to terms with his memories of Terry.  The timing is interesting.  Did the experiences of this newly remembered life impa…

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Episode 51 – Annie and the Adoption

Today we meet Annie to hear about her memories of a forgotten secret she carried from her last lifetime.  This episode has an extra benefit of speaking about adoption, which has some of the same problems that reincarnation memory has.  Join us now to…

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Episode 50 – Bruce Kaloski on Hypnotic Regression

Today we join Dr Bruce Kaloski, a noted hypnotic regressionist who has been regressing people for decades.  We explore everything about hypnotic regression and ask all the questions you ever wanted to know about it.  Join me now to hear all about thi…

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Episode 49 – Jim Matlock and Announcing Dreams

On today’s episode, Jim Matlock joins us to consider the other type of dreams associated with reincarnation.  Announcing dreams are different to past life memory recall dreams, because they focus forward rather than back and often foretell of the int…

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Episode 48 – Simon Bown

Today we have the pleasure of talking to Simon Bown, who has one of the most successful podcasts on paranormal accounts and life after death.  Simon has been fascinated in paranormal and supernatural occurrences for most of his life and his subject m…

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Episode 47 – Ben B and Terry Part Three

Once again, we rejoin Terry to share his final reminiscences of his life as Terry, a Vietnam soldier.  In this episode, we talk more about his private life, about his contact with his children and we learn a little bit more about his time in the camp…

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Episode 46 – Ben B and Terry

Today we continue on with Ben’s memories of his life as a soldier in Vietnam.  Today we dive down the rabbit hole to learn a lot more about what happened to the MIA/POWs at the end of the war and we also encounter new evidence that makes Ben’s memori…

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